Thursday, September 25, 2008

To"Facebook" or not to "Facebook"

I spent the weekend at Chea's (again). I had a training in Scottsdale so I brought all of my kids for a fun visit. Anyways while sitting at Chea's table "Facebook" came up and Chea took great delight in telling me that both Ty and Shani had a Facebook. Even though I had specifically told Ty a few months ago to get rid of it. He said he did and just started a new one. (He found the loop hole!) Anyways Chea said that she felt it was a good way for kids to network and she has one so she can check up on her kids. I have many (Negative!) feelings about this. Shani definitely can not have one, I don't think it is age appropriate and it puts you on the radar of things, conversations and people. However, Ty????? I need input. So if you have thoughts please feel free to help me out.


Arnett's said...

I say let him have it and just do what Chea does, get one yourself... and monitor what he has posted, friends, etc.

Tana said...

i say yes because its really the way mostly i can talk to him sence he lives like a bigillion miles away

Mama Nut said...

Hey Chandell! Thanks for your comment...thought I'd leave one for you. I have a facebook account that is incredible in helping me keep in touch with faraway family and friends I otherwise would lose touch with completely. But I must admit it did cause a little 'drama' with some friends. here I found out there are privacy settings you can utilize (which I finally did, thankfully) that control who can see what information. I agree with the other comments, too. Create an account yourself and just have him add you as a friend...that way you can monitor things a little and everyone is happy. Just an idea....

wendy said...

what! no pictures of the happiest place on earth?!

KTLADY said...

Hi! I have to agree with Trish. If you get one too, you will be able to see what he sees! I like Facebook too! Maybe if Ty limits his time on it... it is highly addictive!!