March 08 I took Ty for a drive by of Mesa View Middle School. Check out the new school!!
Some kids were out running for PE so we watched them, and sized them up for awhile. It was not the Queen Creek Az crowd he was used to for sure. I could see my 13 year old's eyes well up just a bit. Maybe from fear of the unknown, PTSD from leaving a very comfortable social situation or all of the above.
Moving when you are a teenager is hard. Moving a lot growing up is harder. Nonetheless I told him he would be fine. But my heart ached just a little bit also. I was hoping we had done the right thing moving to Farmington.
After I enrolled Ty I saw on the Marquee that track had started. I told him to talk to the PE teacher and stay after school for practice. His reply..."Gay". I did not pick him up for school and he texted me several times...Come GET ME!!! I did not.
Long story short he did very well last season in 110 hurdles, 400 meters and long jump.
Fast forward to Tues. April 28, 2009.
It was one of those days where you witnessed life changing events. Ty competed in Basin Finals for the 110 hurdles, 400 meter run, and 200meters.
Watching him I wanted to vomit, cry and scream. (When I figure out how to post video you can witness the screaming.) Ty set a record in the 110 hurdles, Basin Champion in the 400 meters 55.3 and got 2nd in the 200 meters 24.05.
Like Lee told me the morning of the Track Meet this is a time and an accomplishment that he will always have..."no one can ever take this from him."
I guess we all need moments of Greatness to get us through this life. What an honor to witness that moment in someone else's life.
4 years ago