Monday we had a Family Home Evening Lesson about the way we treat others. Lee was explaining to the kids that the only thing that defines you as a person is how you treat others. If you treat people bad you are a bad person... It doesn't matter if you are rich or good at sports etc. Then we proceeded to the activity portion of FHE. Polishing our basketball skills or lack thereof. Lee was not pleased with our skills so many lessons, drills etc. ensued. Shani was furious and tried slacking, Ty told Lee that he was not going to try out for Basketball anyway so why are we doing this. Trey loved every moment. Ty and Shani's lack of enthusiasm kept us practicing (me included) for almost 3 hours. Later that night when Ty was in bed and frustrated he asked why if the only thing that matters in life is how you treat others why does dad say it is so important to be good at sports? Good question. So I concluded the two most important things in life are how you treat others and if you were competitive and competent in most sports. Words to live by!!!
4 years ago
I love family home evening. Those times don't last forever, just the good memory. Can I cry?
Nathan and I think you guys are the absolute coolest family ever. We are so "stoked" to have you in the ward!!! Cute blog!!!
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